The 3 Step Rewind Method is a gentle and safe way of working with parents and other birth professionals to lift the heavy feelings and symptoms that can remain after a difficult or traumatic birth, post natal or breast feeding experience, or any other perinatal trauma.
The scale of the problem is too great for mental health professionals alone to handle. Currently many parents are deterred from seeking help via traditional mental health pathways because of the stigma attached to mental health and the perception that it will take many sessions and commitment to feel well. We are passionate that it should be those who already have existing relationships with parents who should have the skills necessary to lift the symptoms of a traumatic birth. They are best placed to help parents on their own healing journey.
One-one support through the accreditation process.
Time and again I hear back from delighted practitioners, who are discovering the joy of being able to really support people moving on from a difficult birth.
Adding the 3 step rewind method to your skill set will result in you being able to dramatically increase your influence when supporting people move on from a previous difficult birth.
My courses for professionals fill up quickly and the demand is increasing. I keep the student groups small (4 per cohort), to be sure that your learning and skill acquisition may be as deep as possible.
What are they saying about our BA 3-step training
I’m a Midwife, creator of Birthing4Blokes, and author of Men, Love and Birth. With 8 children, 13 grandchildren, and a big family, my passion for people is at the core of all I do.
From time to time I have information about my work and developments of the training if you would like to be kept in formed please join our newsletter group. These emails are at the most monthly and I will NEVER sell your details or over send emails. I promise.
I’m a Midwife, creator of Birthing4Blokes, and author of Men, Love and Birth. With 8 children, 13 grandchildren, and a big family, my passion for people is at the core of all I do.
From time to time I have information about my work and developments of the training if you would like to be kept in formed please join our newsletter group. These emails are at the most monthly and I will NEVER sell your details or over send emails. I promise.