These are a few questions and answers to help you prepair for what will happen when you purchase out Birthing awareness course. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us via Email
Before you paid for the training you will have created a log for the website. After payment is confirmed you will be able to log in to you ‘dashboard’ using your log in credentials. When you go to your courses tab, you will see the pre-learning waiting for you there.
When you arrive at your training dashboard you will find a two hour long audio recording. As you listen to this recording you will answer the question sheet that accompanies it.
To complete this work will take you up to 20 hours to complete. When you have finished I will be notified that you have completed the pre-learning. I is very important that this work is done before you start the live trainings, failure to do so will result in your date being postponed until the work is completed.
You will find a specific zoom link on your training dashboard, this the link you use to access the training on both days. If you have a standard internet connection there should be no problems at all. You will need to have down loaded the current handbook. This you will find on your training dash board.
You will need to complete two consented case studies. The clients agree to offer feedback via an online survey (anonymous). You will inform your clients that completing the survey is part of your accreditation process. You will then complete case study reflections via the online reflections survey link. You will then be offered a reflective conversation on the phone with Mark Harris (Midwife) Now you are band new practitioner you will be offered a profile page on my website for free.
Any student who has paid for and completed the training is invited to refresh the training any time they want to, free of charge. I ask that you commit to the full two days.
I’m a Midwife, creator of Birthing4Blokes, and author of Men, Love and Birth. With 8 children, 13 grandchildren, and a big family, my passion for people is at the core of all I do.
From time to time I have information about my work and developments of the training if you would like to be kept in formed please join our newsletter group. These emails are at the most monthly and I will NEVER sell your details or over send emails. I promise.
I’m a Midwife, creator of Birthing4Blokes, and author of Men, Love and Birth. With 8 children, 13 grandchildren, and a big family, my passion for people is at the core of all I do.
From time to time I have information about my work and developments of the training if you would like to be kept in formed please join our newsletter group. These emails are at the most monthly and I will NEVER sell your details or over send emails. I promise.