I’m a Midwife, creator of Birthing4Blokes, and author of Men, Love and Birth. With 8 children, 13 grandchildren, and a big family, my passion for people is at the core of all I do.
From time to time I have information about my work and developments of the training if you would like to be kept in formed please join our newsletter group. These emails are at the most monthly and I will NEVER sell your details or over send emails. I promise.
I’m a Midwife, creator of Birthing4Blokes, and author of Men, Love and Birth. With 8 children, 13 grandchildren, and a big family, my passion for people is at the core of all I do.
From time to time I have information about my work and developments of the training if you would like to be kept in formed please join our newsletter group. These emails are at the most monthly and I will NEVER sell your details or over send emails. I promise.